Do you like to click pictures and want to sell photos online? Here is the list of 18 best and most active sites to sell photos online. Upload and get paid.
Fresh From The Blog
35+ WordPress SEO Checklist to Maximize SEO for WordPress
WordPress SEO Checklist for Beginners. 35 SEO Tips for WordPress to help improve your WordPress SEO and get more organic traffic from Google.
What is Blog – Understand the Concept of Blogging
A blog is a website that logs views and opinion shared by an individual and displays them in reverse chronological order (newer content appear first).
How Developers Can Stay RELEVANT As a Freelancer
Can a developer stay relevant in the Ever-Changing World of programming? How freelancers can maintain USP and doesn’t become an easily replaceable commodity
How Developers Can Be Creative at Freelancing
Can a developer work in the same technology for a very long time be creative? If yes then how can one be a creative development freelancer?
Importance of Consistency in Blogging – How to be Consistent?
What it means when we read “Be Consistent”? What is it & why it’s so important? How to raise the consistency level in blogging and achieve success at it.
How to Get Motivation to Blog When No One Is Reading
New bloggers will not have many readers. So when there aren’t any, how to get the motivation one needs to go on and keep blogging.
10 Things Serious Blogger Should Avoid Despite Others Doing it
Some things work for short-term blogging mindset but have no future in the long-run. Even if you find bloggers using it, they are best to avoid
7 Habits Every Freelancer Should Get Rid Of
Habits Freelancer Should Get Rid Of – Unhealthy Lifestyle, Short-Term Mindset, Procrastination, Perfectionism Obsession, Doing Everything Yourself, Taking Up Stress, Being in the Company of Negative People
Proposal Email Template With Sample to Win New Clients
My proposal email template is an introduction opportunity, highlight of expertise & questionnaire to show why I’m the best person for the job
Freelancers Vs Entrepreneurs – Why I Prefer to be a Freelancer?
Have you ever wonder what the difference between a freelancer and an entrepreneur is? How Freelancing differs from entrepreneurship?
Cover Letter Sample Template With Cover Letter Writing Tips
Recruiters go through thousands of cover letters, hence writing it with a template may pull them instead of annoying them