It is possible for freelancers to scale up freelancing to 10x growth from the current levels? The answer is yes and here 9 ways to do it
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How Freelancers Can Manage Work Overload Efficiently?
When you have the bandwidth for a new client, you place a proposal. As clients respond often freelancer has to manage the overload.
CMS or Framework – What Web Developers Should Choose?
There is no general rule as to which one to choose a CMS or a framework for a better web developer freelancing career
Top PHP Framework List for Freelancers in 2022
The 7 most widely used rapid application development web frameworks in PHP and the best for a web developer freelancer?
What is Content Management System (CMS)
Content Management System (CMS) when installed on a web server helps manage and create content for a website in an easy to use web interface.
How Indian Freelancers can Create Business Cards in 2022
What information can one have on a business card? How to design and order a professional business card online? How to create a totally unique business card?
How to Stand Out As a Developer In the Plethora Of Programmers
In the plethora of ever-increasing developers, how can one stand out as a programmer and continue growing? It’s tough but isn’t impossible
How To Write Business Proposal – Download Free Template
How programming freelancers can write business proposals. What are the important elements one should have a business proposal? Download the free sample template PDF.
Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World by Michael Hyatt
Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World by Michael Hyatt is written in an intriguing style. It is a collection of blog posts in a sequence
What is Bidding on
Freelancing sites like are auction sites, so the term bidding or “place your bid” for the project is used as terminology.
Blue Ocean Strategy – How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant
Blue Ocean Strategy book can change the way you think as a blogger and freelancer and want to be doing blogging or freelancing
How to Overcome “Poor in English” Freelancing Fear?
One can easily learn English. Here are 10 ways a freelancer can learn the English language and overcome the fear of being poor in English.