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How to Find Perfect Niche for Blogging – Complete Process

Google “How to Find Blog Niche.” You will see thousands of articles that can help you decide on the blog niche. Each of those articles is different than my step by step process of selecting the perfect niche for your blog.

So before we begin my process of finding the niche for a blog, let us understand the niche.

What is a Niche?

Niche (pronounced as NICH) means a position or place a person or thing is comfortable. (Refer for complete definition).

So if you are trying to find a niche for your blog, you are trying to find an area to blog where you are comfortable. The mistake that many understand about blogging niche means the category of a blog, but that is not entirely right.

Every blog niche is a blog category, but every category may not be a niche for the blog.

You may be comfortable blogging about one topic over others. So a blog niche means the comfortableness of the blogger on the subject.

Read Niche Freelancing

Why is Niche Important?

As a blogger, you cannot blog about anything and everything under the sun. You have to select topics that can help others, and in the process, you have to help yourself as a blogger and learn more about the subject. On top of that, if you have too broader topics, you may end up having readers that are also diversified.

So you may not be able to focus equally on each of those topics and justify it.

Let us take an example to understand the broadness of topics.

A blog can be about operating systems, and you are comfortable blogging about each of the operating systems Windows, Linux, Mac, iOS, Android.

If you are blogging about operating systems, if you publish an article about Windows, it may not interest the readers who are fans of MAC and vice versa. So a blog about the operating system may not be the right niche. On top of that, it may become tough for you to make all your readers happy.

When starting to blog, we tend to keep things more broad than narrow. A more general blog niche means topics are easy to find. One can easily find hundreds of questions to answer in an operating system niche than for a Windows niche or Mac niche.

You may think that Mac and Windows as niche are broad and can have such issues, but you will find such a point in every topic.

Niche Examples

Health and fitness blog can have issues with articles related to the use of supplements. A client of mine had problems in his blog, where he was against extreme supplements. His articles on mild supplements had more comments and arguments which he did not like.

Cooking and recipe blog can have issues with the use of some ingredients. Pure vegetarian readers may not want to see non-vegetarian recipes. In our TastedRecipes food blog, we don’t use alcohol or poke recipes, and such a list of segmentation continues…

A finance blog can have issues with the type of investment. My investment analysis blog is on investing in markets in India. I have many articles that are related to investments in properties and home loans. Readers who prefer my non-market related investments may not always prefer reading my trading articles and vice versa.

I often get emails like:

Keeping the blog niche broad is a mistake most new bloggers tend to make. It is quite reasonable to be doing so as well.

However, it becomes more difficult to be finding the right kind of readers despite good quality content.

So, a blog needs to have the right niche such that readers that land on any article on the blog are interested in every other article or at least most of them.

Here’s a list of blogging niche. Select one that interests you the most. A key point in starting a blog is your interest. If you love sharing your thoughts and ideas on a particular topic with people online, everything is sorted. Go through the list below and find out which is your favorite one:

1. Education Blog

Blogs in the education niche are a great source of content for those pursuing higher education or similar levels. You can write about admissions, books, education, technology, career advice, and help the audience find decent jobs. Besides, you can also offer research-based articles and webinars via your education blog in the higher education space.

Education Blog Examples

Also read:
The DIY guide with screenshots of every step and written for teacher or educators to help start an education blog in under an hour

2. Programming Blog

Coding is a skill, and if you think you have mastered it, want to share it with others, then a programming blog is a suitable medium. There are more than ten most popular programming languages one can try writing on.

Your blog can help both fresh and experienced programmers to stay updated on the latest technologies and market trends. I have compiled a list of 25+ best programming blogs. Refer them to get some inspiration.

Programming Blog Examples

Also read:
The DIY guide with screenshots of every step and written by a programmer for programmers to help start a programming blog in under an hour

3. Food Blog

Food is the most densely populated niche online. Look around, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube are heavily loaded with a variety of food channels. Google the search term food blog, and you will get millions of results. Food is people’s favorite subject. Hence, you can consider a textual or a video food blog.

Food Blog Examples

4. Recipe Blog

Similar to food blogs, countless recipe blogs are hosted by both beginners and kitchen experts. If they can learn how to start a recipe blog, so can you! Let me tell you that creating a recipe blog is inexpensive and feasible. Moreover, modern online tools have made it easier than ever before.

I, myself, run a recipe blog and a Youtube channel. Your recipe blog could be anything that documents authentic recipes or experiential food. However, it can also be just about anything that one is cooking.

Recipe Blog Examples

Also read:
The complete DIY guide with screenshots of every step and written for a foodie to help start a recipe or food blog in under an hour.

5. Beauty Blog

Beauty is the next competitive niche in blogging. No matter how much makeup people wear or the color of hair that is trending, the search for new beauty trends will never end.

A minimal number of females can afford expert beauty technicians or high-end beauty studios for their beauty requirements. But what about those who can’t afford them. You can be their beauty guide through amazing blogs and easy-to-learn video tutorials. Refer to the following examples for motivation.

Beauty Blog Examples

6. Sports Blog

Sports are all-time great leisure activities across the globe. We play sports, we watch sports, and we talk about it – a lot. Some fellas out of them have a keen desire to write about sports. They share their views on major sports events, teams, tournaments, and players.

They reach a bigger audience by going beyond just family and friends. For this, you don’t need to be a formally-trained sportswriter. You can gain an audience via your own sports blog. Write about your favorite team, players’ lifestyle, their official and social life, the latest news, and more.

Sports Blog Examples

7. Lifestyle Blog

A lifestyle blog covers a diverse list of subtopics. If you look closely, bloggers have a free hand to write and discuss different lifestyle blog things.

For example, you can talk about daily life, mental health, pregnancy, prenatal care, food, fashion, and accessories. This way, you can address dozens of topics on a single platform instead of creating separate blogs for each one of them.

Lifestyle Blog Examples

8. Photography Blog

That’s one of my personal favorites. I have always been intrigued by photography and the advanced technology it carries. A professional DSLR camera is no more than a toy for experts.

If you think a DSLR attracts you more than a smartphone, then you have got ample topics to write about. Publish camera reviews, sell equipment, teach people what photography is and how to do it like a pro. Let people download and use your images for commercial or personal purposes. What do you say?

Photography Blog Examples

9. Review Blog

We all look for reviews before purchasing. Moreover, reviews are a trusted resource for online buyers to make an informed purchase decision. Additionally, a review blog holds a sense of authority for its audience.

Review blogs are in demand nowadays, I guess. You can review movies, books, gadgets, tools, services, destinations, food, and whatnot. A step further, you can also review websites, blogs, and YouTube video channels too.

Review Blog Examples

10. Health & Fitness Blog

Health and fitness are the biggest and the most saturated niche ever in the blogging world. Blogging about health and or fitness is immensely popular lately. Even novices give either health or fitness tips online like a pro.

Competition is fierce in this niche, both individually as well as collectively. Yet you can succeed if you have unique ideas that are completely different from what is available online.

I would recommend certified therapists, medical practitioners, nutritionists, etc., to start a health and fitness blog right away due to their field experience. There’s a lot of room to share valuable info, advice, tips, and support for these experts online.

Health Blog Examples

11. Fashion Blog

Fashion might sound like a niche to you, but it is a broad category. It contains thousands of topics. Furthermore, every topic has its own set of sub-topics, For example, Summer Style. In summer style, there are variants based on age, sex, and gender. For example, summer styles for kids, teens, adults, and toddlers.

It might sound like a tough nut to crack, but your first goal should be to segregate a broad niche into smaller groups. One must do before starting a blog. By doing this, you can create extremely targeted content for your fashion blog.

Fashion Blog Examples

12. Home Decor Blog

Do you have out of box home decorating ideas? Starting a home decor blog can be an excellent way to generate a passive income. With the help of blogging tools and technology, you can have these entrepreneurial aspirations.

Talk about interior design styles, decor tips, affordable decorating ideas, accessories, and total home makeover. In the same fashion, you can also write about DIY techniques for turning trash into treasures. Target a wide audience by teaching how to rejuvenate their home on an affordable budget. If you think you have a flair for writing and publishing these topics, then go for it.

Home Decor Blog Examples

13. Sewing Blog

You will never agree to the fact if I say the sewing blog has humongous potential. Would you believe there’s a vast audience out there waiting for innovative knitting and sewing techniques? Sewing comes under craft, and blogging about a particular craft is a huge thing. Take the example of 5-minute craft Youtube videos.

Hence, if you think you are good at sewing or similar work, blogging about it can benefit you monetarily. Try it.

Sewing Blog Examples

14. Spiritual Blog

Spiritual blogs are equally famous, like any other blog niche. Here you can share words of wisdom and connect with people on a meaningful level. Teaching DIY healing and yoga techniques can be quite lucrative if you have a hardcore fan following.

Spiritual Blog Examples

15. Parenting Blog

Parenting is a familiar topic, and we all go through this stage of life at some point in time. It is an evergreen niche for blogging. Becoming a parent is a life-changing event. There’s so much you learn while raising your kid. Being a parent, you might want to share your experience and fears with others. You might even want to help those soon to be parents with helpful tips.

Why connect with other parents by starting your parenting blog? Give it a try.

Parenting Blog Examples

Back to the original question: How to Find the Right Niche?

My way of finding a niche is different. It is critical to understand how you should be approaching the process of finding the niche you want to be blogging about.

Typically people start by following a blogger and blogging about the same niche that the other blogger is blogging. The real problem is if you don’t have a keen interest in the niche you want to blog about. Eventually, you will not be able to generate a lot of useful content. So, it is more likely the blog traffic will not take-off. My MBA Forum was a classic example of it.

I never had any interest in MBA but started the forum because one of my friends was ready to write content. Once he moved on with some other options, it was quite difficult for me to get quality content.

I still hired a few writers and purchased a lot of good quality content, but then suddenly, it all stopped because the site never got the kind of attention it needed.

List down the Interest

So if you aren’t interested in a niche, you seldom succeed as a blogger.

I have seen so many bloggers who try to copy other bloggers and fail miserably.

So before you begin blogging about something, take a piece of paper and pen and write down all your hobbies.

At least make a list of 3-5 hobbies. Don’t worry, and it can be anything like cricket, bikes, gyms, reading books, or even playing online games. Just make sure you are honest with yourself when making your list of hobbies.

Oh, come on… I am honest

Even when you are all alone and writing your hobbies, you can be under the influence of many things.

You may not have listed your hobbies that you want to be doing, but maybe because you want to be showing off to your friends.

Surprised !!!

For example, you may have written traveling is one of your hobbies because you think you love traveling, but the reality could be you want to show your friends that you love traveling.

  1. Gadgets have become everyone’s hobby these days but are you a gadget freak or want to be using them.
  2. Are you a biker because you love bikes or because you want to show off your with your friends your bikes.
  3. Are you a bodybuilder because you love to be fit, or you are a bodybuilder because you want to be showing off.

So once you have a hobby list, put a number to each for the number of books you have purchased.

If you have not purchased any books to pursue your hobby, they are not your hobbies. They are what you want your friends to see you as.

So once you have your honest list of hobbies, sort the hobbies in decreasing order of your liking, and your blog’s niche is the one right at the top of your list.

Is Niche Popular?

There is a school of thought that you should choose a popular niche, but I don’t think that way.

Let’s say you are very interested in a not very popular niche like radio physics. Many bloggers suggest you see enough readers who want to be reading what you will be writing on. I don’t think there is anything on the internet that people don’t read these days.

Yes, I agree that you may not be able to build a highly readable blog, but then you may be having a tiny community in your blog that is very dedicated to knowing what you share.

The bottom line is if you choose a topic that interests you, you may end up writing from a unique viewpoint. It is more than enough to make your blog accessible faster than selecting a topic that does not interest you or is secondary in your list of hobbies.

Read: Importance of Consistency in Blogging – How to be Consistent?

What if Niche is Very Competitive?

My view is it doesn’t matter if you have a keen interest in the niche.

Both my blogs are in a super competitive niche. I don’t think it matters as long as I have my voice. I can write about finance and investment because I do many research and experiments for my investments in the market. So will never run out of topic for writing about investing in the market. The same applies to

If the niche is super competitive but still interests you, you can opt for a niche within that super competitive niche. What better example can it be than

What if you cannot find a niche within a niche?

Focus on targeting people from specific geography. I focus on the Internet marketing niche, which is quite vast and very competitive, but then I focus on helping Indian bloggers and entrepreneurs simplify Internet marketing.

I blog about Internet marketing from an Indian perspective that helps me a voice in a very crowded space.

The Most Profitable Niche For A Blog

How to find good niches for blogging? The best is to use Amazon. Visit You can see the “Shop All Department” at the top left.


Browse through categories where Amazon sells products and see where you are most comfortable. Remember, you may not choose the top niche for your blog. Choose a niche where people buy things online, and you have a keen interest.

The same can be applied using Clickbank. Browse ClickBank Marketplace, and you will see those top-selling products are in the following niche.

  1. Health (Abs and Fat loss)
  2. Wealth (Passive income and web traffic)
  3. Entertainment (TV to PC product)

It is such a simple and crucial part of choosing a top niche where people are already looking to buy. If you can fit yourself into these niches, it is excellent. Consider a niche where you have better interest and contribute your expertise if you can’t.

The Important Question is – Where can you make money?

I have seen many forums like SitePoint / DigitalPoint, where people ask about high paying niche to launch a website. It is the starting point of the myth.

Webmasters assume if there is big money to be made in a niche by someone, I can do the same and grab my share of a pie. They believe money can be made only in a high paying niche.

The most crucial question isn’t which niche one can make money in but which niche they can make money in?

Consider this example. Companies make money selling water bottles online.

So can you make money out of it?

My answer will be no, even if you pack the bottle yourself and sell it. Can you sell enough? It proves what I said. It is not essential to know where others are making money. What’s more important is where you can make money.

The above example may sound a little out of context but let me get you into my practical example. I own Go4Expert Forum, but that is not the first website I tried my hands on. I started a site that was a clone of RentACoder because I saw a lot of money from such marketplaces.

I found that being a freelancer, I found how RentACoder was different from other websites like (ScriptLance, iFreelance). They were the clone from some scripts and were very similar.

So I hired a developer to create a website for me, similar to RentACoder. I was wrong. Doing it part-time along with a job and wasn’t able to keep enhancing the marketplace. I didn’t even recover the amount I invested.

So it was important for me to understand where I will be able to make money and not where others are making money. Be it a blog/forum/e-commerce website or any other type of website.

Also read:
Are forums dead? Can forums make a significant amount of money? Is it even possible to make money with forum sites in 2022?

Furthermore, where can you give, give, and give more?

Where you can make money is important. It should be the basis for selecting the niche for a website as well.

If you want to own a forum or blog where you will contribute to the right amount of content is also essential.

For a forum or blog to flourish, the owner should connect with the users directly with the expertise in the area.

You are reading this article down further because somehow able to connect with what I am saying.

I will share one more example.

I own, which was related to code and programming. Being a programmer, I thought I would share a lot of good content on it.

But then it could not get my attention because whatever topic I choose fits well on Go4Expert, so CodeItWell was not updated for a very long time. So it is now closed and redirects to

If you select a niche, consider how you can actively contribute to it — everything you know and go further to learn new things to serve the readers.

Also read:
Blogging is one of the smarter ways to earn a living in India in 2022. Yet we try to trick SEO or social media traffic for quick money. It doesn't work.

And Finally able to Convert Visitors to Readers and Ultimately to a Customer

You have selected the best niche in which you think you can make good money out of it. You are ready to give, give, and give more, but what’s next?

How to convert the visitors on a website or blog into regular and returning users? And then make them take their wallet out and become a customer?

No matter how many visitors you get on your blog, the most important thing for survival is converting visitors into a regular reader and ultimately to a customer.

You may have visited numerous sites today itself. If you start making a list, you will see you missed most of them. If you don’t believe me, check your browser history and satisfy yourself.

The same applies to every visitor that lands on your website.

Help your visitors remember your blog or website by allowing them a smooth registration process or let them subscribe via email. So they don’t forget your site.

Visitors shouldn’t be forced to register, nor the register option is deep down in one corner where it is tough to find.

Let the process be intuitive, comfortable, and offer value to be a register or subscribe.

In any niche, if you aren’t able to convert the visitors into users and ultimately to customers, it doesn’t make any sense to selecting it in the first place.


I am sure you have the right niche for your blog by now. Next is to find ten topics to search in Google for more information about your hobby or your niche. Those ten search terms becomes your first ten posts for the blog.

I truly believe in the potential of blogging and how it can change your life for good. I know this because I have been there. A key point in starting a blog is the determination to provide value to your audience continually. Moreover, there should be a significant impact of your blog on people’s life who are following you.

In short, your blog shall make a difference in people’s lives for all good reasons. That’s the biggest thing you need before starting a blog because everything else can eventually be sorted out.

Happy Blogging.

Shabbir Bhimani

Blogging Since 2009. If I can leave my high paying C# job in an MNC in the midst of global financial crisis of 2008, anybody can do it. @BizTips I guide programmers and developers to Start and Grow an Online Business. Read more about me here.

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