
17 Daily Routine World’s Most Successful People Follow

When we see celebrities, sports stars, business tycoons and entrepreneurs achieve big, we tend to think “Will I Ever Be Able To Make It Big Like Them?“.

The answer is YES. Everyone is human just like us.

The reason I say this is because what makes them achieve big is their discipline of cultivating good habits.

The difference between high achievers and non-achievers is habits.

To be successful, one needs to learn, upgrade, plan and stick to their goals. Take one step at a time, learn from past mistakes and change the entire beliefs system. An individual is worth more than what he/she thinks.

In this article, I have compiled a list of 17 qualities (in no particular order) I found among high achievers when as I read and follow them.

1. Eat the Big Frog First

Eating the big frog doesn’t mean eating a live frog. According to Brian Tracy in his book Eat That Frog, the “Big Frog” is the most critical task an individual is procrastinating for a long time and something to be done about it.

Successful people start their day with the most prominent, hardest, and most important task first. They discipline themselves to persistently “Eat the Big Frog First.”

One can achieve a high level of performance by developing the habit of doing a prolonged task every morning. Do not overthink or take too much time, start doing it right away the job that seems to be the toughest.

2. Extremely Discipline

Being disciplined doesn’t require a special talent. But the biggest problem is, it takes a ton of mental exercise to be extremely disciplined in doing things daily.

How many have new year resolutions been active until February?

People start with great enthusiasm, but that doesn’t guarantee whether they will finish it off or not.

HIgh achievers make sure they not only start but finish it up as well.

Let’s say you have a deadline to complete a specific project.

You start working day in and day out. You discipline yourself to work long hours. What’s the result? You meet the deadline successfully.

So why the new year resolutions doesn’t? Do you need a deadline or a project manager to make you work? High achievers don’t need someone on top of them to keep reminding them of what they have to do.

3. Accepts Failure

Failure hurts a lot. An interesting fact about successful people is they know failure is a reality of life. At some level, it is part of the process. They embrace it and help them learn something out of it to grow in the future.

They discover positive things in the worst situations (even failure) without letting emotions take a troll.

According to Oprah Winfrey, “Failure is just life trying to move us in another direction.” Hence, learn a lesson from failure, so one gets prepared to be successful in the future.

4. Health Conscious

Successful people like to prioritize their health. They keep themselves healthy because they know it’s not possible to achieve high success in a short period. Health is essential to working for a long time.

Health consciousness is the most common trait among successful people which they consider an integral part of their daily routine.

Even if they aren’t spending hours at the gym, a daily 30 minutes walk is part of their daily morning routine. It not only helps physical but mentally as well and increase productivity.

5. Healthy Diet

Maintaining high energy, positive mental state, and higher productivity is crucial to achieving significant. All these come from healthy eating habits.

Eating healthy food increases productivity and improves mental as well as emotional health.

Eating habits of successful people include huge water intake, eat whole foods, they never skip breakfast, eliminating binge eating, monitoring stressful eating, avoiding junk foods and more.

In short, they follow a healthy diet plan.

6. Balance Personal & Work Life

Success isn’t about all day work and no fun. It matters how much quality time one has put instead of quantity. In the run to be successful, we forget to allocate time for those that matter the most – family.

A key point here is to be more productive with the time one spends at work so one can spend time for personal life.

One more aspect to consider a balance between personal and professional life is, if you enjoy doing what you do, it doesn’t feel like working as well.

7. Have a Mentor

There is an influential mentor behind every successful person in the form of a trusted friend, a family member, a coworker, a partner.

Someone whom one can talk to in good, bad and painful times.

So, why is it necessary to have a mentor?

A mentor or someone who has a different perspective on the whole situation helps to visualize things from a different viewpoint. Helps go through the rough patches of business and life, do the counseling and encourages small success to achieve big.

8. Saying NO

Opportunities don’t come to linearly.

The best opportunity may not be the nest one. So if one happens to say yes to everything, when the best one comes, one may not be able to grab it with both hands.

Successful people tend to say NO to almost everything they feel they can’t afford the time.

It helps them have the bandwidth when a vast opportunity comes along. They can grab it with both the hands.

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9. Take Calculative Risks

Successful people harness the idea of taking the risk.

They do their math before implementation, understand the whole process and foresee what the risks are?

According to the Huffington Post, risk-taking leads to confidence, helps one stand out and eliminates the fear of failure. Success won’t fall in lap unless one is ready to leave his/her comfort zone.

10. Take Action

Execution is the biggest problem. People make plans, hold a meeting, talk for hours but fail to execute. In the final run, they don’t get desired results. The process is about transforming ideas into actions.

Highly successful people take immediate actions on a vital task. They discipline themselves to work consistently with honest efforts until they achieve visible results. It’s about grinding oneself till the final results.

Thoughts will merely be a mind chatter, and it won’t make any difference without any action. Don’t fear failure, calculate the risk, pull on necessary resources and take immediate actions.

11. Networking

Networking isn’t about distributing emails or visiting cards to prospects. It is about meeting people and clients personally to build a relationship.

Additionally, networking leverages meeting potential clients, mentors or even necessary resources to advance job, career or business.

No one has found their dream job via job portals; it is through networking; one has ended up doing what they love doing.

12. Plan and Stick to It

According to Benjamin Franklin, if you fail to plan, you are planning to fail. Begin every day with a list of task to be accomplished. One can write them in a to-do list based on short and long term goals.

Planning requires a goal. Without a goal, one will never know where to start from and where to reach. So to get there create a list of day to day actions and intentions that one needs to complete.

Start with short goals that one can accomplish in a day or two. Every accomplished goal will give a sense of fulfillment. It will nurture great confidence and push to start the next one instantly.

13. One Task at a Time

Multi-tasking is considered a talent, but the right approach and attitude to a task work make it a success or mediocre.

The one who performs more than one task at a given point of time doesn’t suffice any of them. On the contrary, multi-tasking divides attention.

Successful people focus all energy on a single job. They get it done correctly and then switch on to the new one.

Hence, it is always recommended to concentrate on one thing at a time. Finish it. Don’t leave any single query unattended or else it will linger for a long time as a task as well as in the back of your mind to divert attention.

14. Take a Break

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy – this famous proverb exactly fits in here.

Taking a break from daily routine is not only essential but also rejuvenating.

A hobby or interest is a great alternative to relax from work.

According to Business Insider,

  • Richard Branson, Virgin Group founder, likes to play chess
  • Jack Dorsey of Twitter loves hiking
  • Meryl Streep a Hollywood Actor like knitting
  • Bill Gates, Founder Microsoft, and Billionaire Warren Buffett plays bridge game
  • Former US president, George W. Bush is a painter
  • Google co-founder, Sergey Brin is an adrenaline junkie.

The most successful people take time out to do stuff that makes them happy.

15. Know Your Best Time of the Day

We have early risers and night owls both. There is a long list of people who have successfully mastered the habit of rising early in the morning and accomplishing the vital task in a few hours.

According to Robin Sharma, the author of The 5 AM Club, a revolutionary morning routine helps maximize productivity, activate the best health and bulletproof the serenity in this age of overwhelming complexity. He introduced the concept of waking up at 5 AM before 20 years.

The point here is to figure out the most productive time frame of the day to form a daily routine and stick to it honestly. Doing the same old things might feel like absolute death, but one can get a lot more done.

16. Perfectionism

Perfectionists aim for errorlessness in everything they do. They set high standards for themselves. They are extremely concerned about there customers.

Set realistic goals and strive hard to achieve them. It is perfectly fine to make a mistake. Successful people set aside the urge to be and make every single thing a masterpiece. They stumble, fumble and learn from errors.

17. Positive Attitude

A thought determines the day whether good or bad. Moreover, it makes & even breaks an individual. Ideas are the foundation of success and failure every one had, are having and will have.

The very step to enjoying life and being successful is having a positive mindset. The power of a positive mindset lays magic blocks of happiness and success.

Successful people focus on positive things to align with their long-term goals. They avoid negativity in all sense. Such people associate themselves with like-minded people to grow more. They have a broader understanding of gratitude towards whatever they have in their life.

Positivity is a daily practice. One can’t achieve in a day or two. There must be a consistent effort to attain and maintain a positive mindset all day long and throughout the success journey.

Final Thoughts

Success isn’t complicated. It is a summation of right action, dedication and believing in oneself. Today I have uncovered vital characteristic traits of successful people so that anyone can apply them in their day to day life and attain success.

Shabbir Bhimani

Blogging Since 2009. If I can leave my high paying C# job in an MNC in the midst of global financial crisis of 2008, anybody can do it. @BizTips I guide programmers and developers to Start and Grow an Online Business. Read more about me here.

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